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Together into the future 

Talente.de is the platform of the German Talents Foundation. The foundation's goal is to contribute to the development of a future worth living. In doing so, we act in a non-profit manner and focus on the common good of the society in which we live.

What skills are needed to improve current living conditions? What are the competences that should be developed by younger people for this purpose? How do we want to live and work in the future?

Throughout Germany, we support young talents in acquiring these abilities, awakening hidden talents within them, and cooperate with companies, organizations and initiatives in doing so. In these projects, we are supported by committed sponsors. These companies and people share our vision that talent is our future.


We connect ambitious high school graduates, students and young graduates with future-oriented companies. With innovative formats, we bring companies, talents and universities together - digitally, personally, at eye level.


We inspire people to discover and strengthen their talents and turn them into designs for the future. To do this, we rely on scientific findings, data-based methods and a team of experienced mentors.


With the help of our sustaining members and donors, we fund projects that give people with talents professional orientation and teach key skills for the working world of the future. In doing so, we encourage the assumption of social responsibility and thus jointly meet the economic and social challenges of a social, digital and sustainable future.


News | June 1, 2023

Botschafter Abi-Gruppe

Glückwunsch! :) Ole Jahn zum Botschafter der Gruppe "Abiturienten@Talente.de" ernannt worden. Ole, wir freuen uns sehr, dass Du Dich dieser wichtigen Aufgabe annimmst. Vielen Dank für Deine tollen Ideen!  Read more...
News | May 25, 2023


Am 01. Juni 2023 fand unser erstes Talente-Dinner statt. Wir freuen uns über den guten Austausch und eine schöne Veranstaltung! Danke an alle Beteiligten.  Read more...
News | May 10, 2022

HR - developement in the hotel industry

Employee development in the hotel industry - what does it actually look like? After three in-depth interviews with Hamburg hotels, it turned out that this is not an easy topic...  Read more...
News | May 10, 2022

Help for Ukraine

Due to the current very critical and sad situation, we have decided to help the people who have to flee from the war and have lost their homes.  Read more...
News | April 26, 2022

Skills Shortage

The fact that there is a shortage of skilled workers in many industries has not been a secret for a long time. Areas in mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology are severely affected. In other words, the entire STEM sector. But even the healthcare sector is not having an easy time...  Read more...
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